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Who are we?
Monday 24 May 2004, by
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The BAH co-op comprises a group of people who believe in agro-ecology and who are pursuing an alternative model of agricultural production, distribution and consumption. This model is based on self-organisation, assembly-based decision-making and horizontal non-hierarchical relationships. This makes it possible to establish direct links between the producer and the consumer, and implies the direct participation in the construction and development of the project of both the workers on the land and the members of the consumption groups in the different neighbourhoods of Madrid.
Distribution is by means of a ’bag system’, by which the produce is divided into equal parts every week, so everybody always receives the same quantity and variety of vegetables.
BAH’s main source of funding is from the fixed subsciption fees paid by the members. Other sources include the organisation of agro-ecology courses, sale of T-shirts, donations, etc.
The agricultural techniques we use guarantee that we consume totally natural uncontaminated produce. These techniques, apart from being used to effectively control pests and combat crop diseases, contribute to regenerating the fertility of the soil, and do not contaminate the environment.